Root Cause Therapy is a trauma healing method that uses regression to allow the completion of unprocessed emotions which are negatively impacting a clients ability to live a happy and fulfilling life.
These unprocessed emotions are the footprints left by fear and are locked away in the nervous system and subconscious mind, well below the reach of the conscious reasoning mind and it’s ability to cognitively heal. Which is why quite often, willpower alone is just not enough to overcome a desire or instinctive response.
Each session with a Root Cause Therapy Practitioner is structured in such a way that they can help prioritise and work through life-long symptoms and past hurts in a gentle yet thorough way, creating a safe space and tapping into the self healing mechanisms of the deeper parts of a clients mind.
RCT creates a way for the mind and body to consciously access and then reassess from a clearer perspective, whether this be in the past or negative projections into the future, the limiting beliefs, repeating patterns and self sabotaging behaviour the Client is experiencing.
By lifting the veil of illusion on the beliefs embedded in their systems, Clients meet and release those fears that are restricting their ability to move forward in life in a fulfilling and confident way.
Diving Deeper, our 6 week somatic healing program, uses Root Cause Therapy to help patients meet and release these unresolved traumas.