Self Sabotage is what we refer to when experiencing a behaviour or pattern of behaviours that always seem to de-rail our efforts at achieving something or making a significant, positive change, in our lives.
A good example is someone who has decided to lose weight. They’ve set their goal, gotten themselves organised and are invested in achieving that goal.
What they find they end up experiencing however, are that those old habits surface, on repeat, hindering their progress – they get urges for a midnight snack, or they blow off their workout after a week. The quote ‘Old habits die hard’ is very very real.
Their subconscious mind, their nervous system, identifies that this behaviour is not normal, and it’s time to return to a familiar state, back inside the box where everything is known and predictable – even if we don’t like it.
In my personal experience, hitting the bottle was a form of self sabotage for me. I would be moving up the scale, smashing my micro goals, making gains in working towards finalising an amazing project, and then the urges to ‘have a glass of wine’ would kick in.
The issue I have with this urge, and my lack of self discipline, is that a glass nearly always ends up a bottle and these urges nudge me just when I really need to be at my best.
So. How is that self sabotage? Alcohol is my kryptonite. It provides me with a fabulous dose of brain fog, enhances my sense of self doubt, allows the imposter to roam free and triggers inflammation and the desire to eat a bucket of fried chicken. Nothing that comes out of a bottle of wine is moving me anywhere near my goals, it’s actually taking me in the opposite direction.
So if you find yourself constantly ending up in the same situations, experiencing the same regrets and outcomes, and none of them are taking you closer to what you are trying to achieve, it’s likely you have a subconscious program running that pulls you back down to what it feels comfortable with.
The next step to unravelling your self sabotage is to dive deeper into your subconscious to find the root of the problem, what we refer to as the instigating event.
When you learn what it was that imprinted this behaviour into your system, you can work to unravel it and unlearn the behaviours, the responses that run on autopilot every time you try to level up in your life.
It’s also important to note that you are human, and it is common for us all to have these imprints and cycles of self-sabotaging behaviours – be kind to yourself!
Our Diving Deeper Program is perfectly designed to help you overcome the root causes of your self sabotaging behaviour.