We all have aspects of our personality we’re proud of, and on the flip side, aspects that we don’t feel so confident about. Some of these aspects may trigger or embarrass us, so we hide them from public view. These parts make up your shadow self, and it longs to be heard.
It’s not always easy to come to terms with our shadow selves. Many of us tend to repress those hidden parts of ourselves to avoid having to confront that darker side.
Going into our shadow brings intense emotional discomfort, and our egos are wired to protect us from threat. So even though the shadow still exists, it gets pushed back down and forgotten.
Repressing our inner shadow can have dangerous consequences. Most often, the shadow manifests as our triggers — emotional reactions that we haven’t fully dealt with, but bubble up to the surface under the right (wrong) circumstances. It takes training, self-awareness, guidance, and courage to help you face your shadow self in a healthy way.
This is exactly why shadow work exists. Shadow work is designed to help you integrate and accept every single part of yourself so that you can live and thrive with more clarity and authenticity.
The concept of Shadow work was actually developed in the 20th century by Carl Jung, and draws on his philosophical and psychological concepts surrounding subconscious rewiring and programming. >>You can read more about his theories here <<
Soul Feather adopts a gentle, soft and trauma informed approach to doing shadow work. If you’d like to learn more about the modalities I practice, get in touch.